Sojern Animated Videos

Creative direction for series of branded animated videos
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My Role
Creative Direction

Beginning in 2024, I worked with a video production agency to produce a series of animated videos explaining Sojern's various product offerings and services. I was involved at every stage in the process, from input on the initial video concepts and scripts to ongoing creative direction and feedback on visuals and audio in our regular syncs to shape the look and feel of the end product.

Hotel Marketing Overview

Learn about Sojern's solutions for Hotel customers of all sizes, including our all-in-one Advertising and Guest Experience platforms

Destination Marketing Overview

Dive into Sojern's travel marketing solutions for Destination Marketers, including customizable co-op programs, unique travel insights, and our Economic Impact Reporting

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Sojern's Creative Services

Learn more about Sojern's Creative Services, a complimentary offering that elevates our customers' ad and email creative and saves in-house resources

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